Inauspicious yogas for beginning new things are: Vyaghat, Parigha, Vajra,
Vyathipatha, Dhriti, Ganda, Athiganda, Shula, Vishakabha. These yogas are
marked with an asterisk.
“The stars impel, they do not compel.” A crucial point of debate regarding
astrology has always been that of free will verses predestiny. One of the paradoxes
of Hinduism is that both theories are given great credence by our rishis. Each is a
real force in life—one’s karma on the one hand, and his freedom of choice and
power of decision on the other. Each individual enters physical life with his own
unique bundle of karmas created through his actions in the past. We could visualize this bundle of karmas as a bag of seeds. Life progresses, decisions are made, and for certain seeds ideal conditions are created. These seeds begin to sprout, further affecting the course of life. Astrology plays a vital role, impacting the mind and emotion of the individual, thus helping to influence the fruition of karma. Our advice is to use astrology, like any tool or body of knowledge, with wisdom and care. Its primary purpose is to enable you to begin ventures in “good timing,”
when the forces are working with you rather than against you, and to provide you
the knowledge of when the forces are “congested” so you can relax and not push
too hard or become upset when this congestion manifests in daily activities.