Numerology Number — 8 (Eight)

People who born on date 8th, 17th, 21th, 26th, of any month are governed by the number ” 8 ”  and their birth key number is ” 8 ” are very sharp minded and active, patient, untiring, dutifulness, discipline, productive, creative, and dominated.They have leadership skill with extreme power of sense and speech.They are cautious about their goal and financial matters and achieving financial stability in old age after 30 years.They should suffer some stomach problems like constipation,liver related problems,boils,skin related problems and some nervousness feelings.These persons should be select their love one or wife his/her own choice to avoid some problems and get happyness in their married life.
Your Favorable or good :
v Your Ruling Planet is  Saturn and your favorable day is  Saturday and Friday.
v Your Favorable period is 23rd, December to 19th  February . You should be
start any good or auspicious work between the 23rd, December to 19th
February of any year.
v Your favorable date  are 8th, 17th, 26th  of any month. You should be choose
date 8th, 17th, 26th of any month for any important work, its auspicious for you.
v Your favorable color is  Black and Blue.
v Your favorable Birth key Numbers are 4, 6 and 8,You should be friendship with
birth key number of 4, 6 and 8, these number’s person better for you.
v Your favorable direction is  West . You should be coose  West facing plots or
house for residence or business purpose. Its better for you and your
v Your favorable Gems is Blue Sapphire or Neelam . You should be wear the
Neelam or Blue sapphire  in Metal or  Platinum ring on Saturday with
combination of day and date like Saturday with 8th,17th, 26th  of any month.
v Your favorable metal is Iron .
Your Unfavorable or Bad :
v Your Unfavorable period is 21, March to 20th April.
v Your Unfavorable dates are 7th, 16th, 25th,  of any month.
v Your Unfavorable days are Wednusday .
v Your Unfavorable color is Golden .
v Your unfavorable Birth key Numbers are 1, 2, 9.
v Your Unfavorable direction is  East.
v Your Unfavorable Gems is Pearl and Coral .
v Your  Unfavorable metal is Gold and Silver.