Key Planets according to Lagna (Ascendent)

Now we are giving key-planets, as auspicious and inauspicious for each ascendant. If the chart under examination has Aries ascendant look below under Aries .If your birth chart has Leo in the first house, look to Leo. And so on.


The Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are auspicious; Mercury, Venus and Saturn are inauspicious.


The sun, Venus and Saturn are auspicious. Mercury is also auspicious but he can also due to ownership of the second house. The Moon, mars and Jupiter are auspicious.


Mercury and Venus are auspicious. Jupiter is also auspicious. The moon is neutral and would not kill unless he is conjoined with a malefic. The Sun, Mars and Saturn are inauspicious. Saturn’s ownership of the eight outweighs his ruler ship of the ninth .But if Saturn is in eight or ninth. He becomes auspicious.


The Moon, mars and Jupiter are auspicious. Jupiter’s ruling the ninth house is more weighty than his owning the sixth. The sun is neutral. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are inauspicious.


The sun and mars are auspicious. Jupiter if in fifth or eight in his own sign is auspicious, otherwise he will show mixed results. The Moon is neutral. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are inauspicious.


The sun and mars are auspicious but Venus has also propensity to kill. Jupiter also shows auspicious results but he has also propensity to kill. Saturn shows mixed results but becomes auspicious if he tenants the fifth. The sun is neutral. The moon and mars are inauspicious.


Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are auspicious. The Moon is also so, but in a lesser measure. The sun and Jupiter are inauspicious.


The sun, the Moon, mars and Jupiter are auspicious but Jupiter has also propensity to kill. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are inauspicious.


The Sun, mars and Jupiter are auspicious. Mercury is also auspicious but has propensity to kill. Venus and Saturn are inauspicious. The moon if with eight or more digits shows good results.


Venus and Saturn are auspicious. The Moon, the Sun, mars and Jupiter are inauspicious. Mercury is in fifth or eighth shows good results. Otherwise he shows mixed results.


Venus and Saturn are auspicious. The Moon, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are inauspicious. Mercury if in the fifth or eight shows good results. Otherwise he shows mixed results.


The Moon, mars and Jupiter are auspicious. Mercury is also auspicious but has propensity to kill. The sun, Venus and Saturn are inauspicious.
If in the above classification, the lord of the third is in third or the lord of the sixth or the lord of the eleventh in eleventh, he is not deemed inauspicious but shows good results during his period.