Numerology Number — 7 (Seven)

People who born on date 7th, 16th, 25th, of any month are governed by the number  ” 7 ”  and their birth key number is ” 7 ” are punctual and absent minded. They does not like any traditional boundation and like freedom.
They does not regard any other person’s opinion and their behavior is a mysterious for others.They find a job of their own choice with some struggle  and ultimately get success and command all comforts in life.
They mostly suffer from mental depression, constipation stomach disorder diseases.They are emotional but understands their felling of each other.Their behavior is unpredictable .
They are often very spiritual and seek careers in science or investments.

Your Favorable or good :
v Your Ruling Planet is  according to western Numeroligist Neptune or Varun
and according to Indian Numerologist Ketu or Moon and your favorable day is
Monday and Thursday .
v Your Favorable period is 22nd, June to 23rd July . You should be start any good or auspicious work between the 22nd, June to 23rd July of any year.
v Your favorable date  are 7th, 16th, 25th of any month. You should be choose
date 7th, 16th, 25th of any month for any important work, its auspicious for
v Your favorable color is  Pink, white and other light colors.
v Your favorable Birth key Numbers are 2 and 7,You should be friendship with
birth key number of 2 and 7, these number’s person better for you.
v Your favorable direction is  North and South East . You should be choose
North  and South East facing plots or house for residence or business purpose. Its better for you and your business/profession.
v Your favorable Gems is Pearl or Moti . You should be wear the Pearl or Moti
in Silver ring on Monday with combination of day and date like Thursday with
7th, 16th, 25th  of any month.
v Your favorable metal is Silver and  Gold.

Your Unfavorable or Bad :
v Your Unfavorable period is 24th, August to 23rd September.
v Your Unfavorable dates are 5th, 14th, 23rd,  of any month.
v Your Unfavorable days are Wednusday and Friday.
v Your Unfavorable color is Red and  Green.
v Your unfavorable Birth key Numbers are 4, 8.
v Your Unfavorable direction is  South West.
v Your Unfavorable Gems is Emrald or Panna.
v Your  Unfavorable metal is iron and Bronze.