Numerology Number — 5 (Five)

People who born on date 5th, 14th, 21th, 23rd, of any month are governed by the number  ” 5 ”  and their birth key number is ” 5 ” are lover of travelling , adventures and hopeful .
They faith in God and spend money on religious and charity matters.
They are lucky in financial , business matters and capable to stand or develop their own business in bad position due to their hard work and cleverness .
Some time they interest in some speculations type investment and earn from it.They are very communicative and skill full in writing and speaking.
They suffer from nervousness due to tension.They are liberal in spending on their children and wife and love them. They are good companion and responsible for each other like husband and wife.

Your Favorable or good :
v Your Ruling Planet is  Mercury and your favorable day is  Wednusday and
v Your Favorable period is 22nd, May to 20th  June and 23rd, August to 22nd
September. You should be start any good or auspicious work between the           22nd, May to 20th  June and 23rd, August to 22nd September of any year.
v Your favorable date  are 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month. You should be choose
date 5th, 14th, 23rd  of any month for any important work, its auspicious for
v Your favorable color is  Green.
v Your favorable Birth key Numbers are 1, 3,5 and 8. You should be friendship
with birth key number of 1, 3,5 and 8, these number’s person better for you.
v Your favorable direction is  North  and East . You should be choose  North         and   East facing plots or house for residence or business purpose. Its better     for you  and your business/profession.
v Your favorable Gems is Emrald or Panna . You should be wear the Emrald or
Panna in bronze or Golden ring on Wednusday with combination of day and date like Wednusday with 5th, 14th, 23rd  of any month.
v Your favorable metal is Bronze.
Your Unfavorable or Bad :
v Your Unfavorable period is 22nd, June to 23rd July.
v Your Unfavorable dates are 7th, 16th, 25th, of any month.
v Your Unfavorable days are Saturday.
v Your Unfavorable color is Red and  Black.
v Your unfavorable Birth key Numbers are 2, 6.
v Your Unfavorable direction is West.
v Your Unfavorable Gems is Blue saphire or Neelam and gomeda or hessonite.
v Your  Unfavorable metal is iron .