Gemini Sun Sign Zodiac Horoscope/Forecast 2014
Gemini or Mithuna :  The Gemini or Mithuna rashi is ruling by Mercury or Budh. They are geminiaffectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards poor and suffering. Your enthusiasm and confidence will help you achieve many things. They are good scientists and army personnel as well.
Gemini has rule over the arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, thymus gland, upper ribs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, breath, and oxygenation of the blood. You believe strangers easily and it might also land you up in deep troubles . The suitable career for you is an administrative officer, cash collecter, post and telegraph clerk, publisher, analyst, scientist, musician, dancer, commission agent and telecommunication expert.
According to Planets position year 2014 is very fruitful and optimistic.This year is going to be very fortunate for you. Financial condition will be stable throughout the year and you may never feel lack of finances in any manner. Businessmen may be able to start a new project, which may guarantee future success. An employee can change a job for a more interesting, creative and rewarded one. Gemini horoscope 2014 foretells that you will be able to develop new contacts. Hard mental work is indicated for professionals in 2014. This year would be very successful in  financially. Income from lotteries/dividends are likely to increase your financial status. You would be able to clear your debts. Increase in income from sources other than your regular ones will give benefits. The first half of year 2014 is favorable for married couples, and the second half may prove to be difficult for lovers. There are no major concerns for health related issues this year. However, you should be careful not to be over anxious/workaholic and take breaks in between your work. Travels and journey related to creative ventures would increase this year. Some of the natives may have to move away from their own places due to unavoidable circumstances. Take care of your valuables and  God bless you.
You must be worship or pooja of the Mercury or Budha and donate some food and clothes to hungers and Brahmins.You should worship God Shiva and  chant the  Mantra as : Om Namah Shiva  and  Om Braang Breeng Broung sah Budhay Namah. You should wear The Emerald Gemstone in your little finger in gold by siddha by a expert astrologer or Pandit.
Your Lucky factors are :
Favourable Color    –    Green
Favourable Days     –    Friday, and Wednusday
Lucky Number        –     5  ( Five )

Best wishes for you in this year

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