Pisces  Sun  Sign  Zodiac  Horoscope/Forecast  2014
Pisces or Meen : Pisces or Meen is ruling by Jupiter or Guru. Pisceans by nature  as emotional, romantic, imaginative, honest, receptive, generous and affectionate. The piscesPisces people respond very readily to suggestions, whether they are good or evil. Feelings define Pisceans, and they not only feel their own burdens and joys but those of others as well. They have superb observation, concentration while listening and good grasping power.
They have greater than average instinct for nature, beauty, traveling, luxury and pleasure. Their selfless and compassionate nature reflects in their kindness and compassion towards the others. Very artistic, creative and innovative by nature, they are loyal, reliable and ideal friends, as well.
According to position of Planets Saturn and Rahu, year 2014 is not very favorable but bring some mix benefit for businessman and professionals.
You may experience difficulties/obstacles in career and relationships. Businessmen may begin a new project and may make new perspective contacts. 2014 is a period for making investments. The difficult side will be maintaining the relations with existing partners. Conflicts may dominate the whole year and may finally cause serious financial disagreements. Fortunately, positive new opportunities would come in the near future, and there may be changes for the better.
2014 is favorable for beginning new work, which may prove to be more interesting than the previous one; and may have better perspectives. An employee may see great changes happening in his company and may begin to explore other possibilities. Difficulties with employers and other problems are quite probable, which may give you an idea to look for another job. Despite professional difficulties, there may be some financial problems. Most of them may happen in the second half of 2014, when the financial status may be shifting. It may be connected with expansion of business or with financial claims of partners.
Speculative activities would be favorable in the 2nd half of 2014. Generally, 2014 is a good one for majority of the business minded persons. You may be likely to get involved into problems with neighbors. According to the horoscope 2014,
the most difficult time is the end of March and April, when you’ll finally make a choice. 2014 provides enough opportunities to find the right partner. A new love may enter your life in the 2nd half of 2014 when transit of Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer and it may affect your existing relationship. In the second half of 2014, divorcing couples may start a struggle for shared property and the future of their children.
Your energy level is quite high and diseases are not likely to occur. In the second half of the year, however, existing illnesses may reveal themselves, or new ones may suddenly appear. Take care and god bless you.
You should worship the god Shiva and Hanuman and chant the Mantra as : Om Namah Shivay.    And     Om Graam Greem Groum Sah Gurve Namah. You should read ” Hanuman chalisa”  andchant Mantra ” Aum Sham Shanishcharay namah: ” You should wear Yellow sapphire in index ring in gold after siddha or consult from your expert astrologer or Pandit.
Your Lucky Factors are as :
Favorable Color    –     Golden Yellow
Favorable Day      –      Thursday
Lucky Number      –       3  (Three)

Best wishes for you in this year

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