Mahavir jayanti

Mahavir jayanti is celebrated in march or april month every year in india.
The religious festival of Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated by the Jain community to commemorate the birth of the Lord Mahavira.
Mahavira was the 24th and the last Tirthankara (enlightened being). He was born in 599 BCE to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala. As per legend, the Lord after birth was bathed by the god-king Indra with celestial milk. This ritual marked his birth as the birth of a Tirthankara.
Mahavira, also called as Vardhamana, is regarded as a significant propagator of Jainism, as well as its reformer. He preached the philosophy to encourage nonviolence (Ahimsa), truthfulness (Satya), chastity (Bramacharya), non-stealing (Asatya), and simple living (Aparigraha).
Lord Mahavira died in 527 BC at the age of 72 to achieve Moksha or Nirvana. His body was cremated at Pawapuri, which was later on converted into a Jain temple (presently known as Jal Mandir).

On this day, followers of Jainism bring home statues of Mahavira and give it a ceremonial bath traditionally called as Abhisheka. Special processions are carried out by the followers, showcasing a tableau on the life of Mahavira. Jain
temples are packed with the devotees of the Lord who wish to seek blessings of Mahavira for prosperity.
The act of giving forms a significant part of the celebration. Following the principles of Lord Mahavira, the devotees practice charitable acts in one way or other.