Ujjayi Pranayama

You should be Sit in your comfortable asana like padamasana or Sukhasana with erect spine. Inhale slowly a deep breath from both the nostrils with sound of “So”and expand your chest. Retain your breath as long as you can comfortably. Then exhale the breath slowly from your left nostril by closing the right nostril with your right thumb with a sound of ‘Ham’. A peculiar sound is produced while inhaling. Repeat it 5 to 10 times.


  • It cools the head. Gastric fire is increased.
  • Removes asthma & phlegm in nose & throat.
  • Pulmonary diseases are cured.
  • Protect us from enlargement of spleen, dyspepsia, dysentery and cough etc.

Plavini Pranayama

It is little difficult pranayama. The yogi sits in asana & drinks the air like water and fills the stomach like an expended balloon. The body becomes light, due to increase of volume and may float on water. At the end air is exhaled slowly.

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